This Is Ghost Rider Requesting A Flyby

This week’s cocktail recipe is in honor of our very own Lieutenant Colonel Tyler Peck who just happens to be a pilot!!

Now I don’t know if you’ve heard yet but on Saturday night our girl Adriana married a pilot! After seeing Tom Cruise in Top Gun, I’m pretty sure every girl at one time or another has dreamed of marrying an incredibly sexy pilot. I mean, just look at them in their dress blues. Ah-mazing. And let’s not get started on the fact that Adriana’s pilot not only looks great in his dress blues and is a sweetheart, but also serves for our country. Let’s just say Adriana really has a keeper.



So, in honor of Adriana’s pilot, here’s our drink of the week.

Jet Pilot Tiki Cocktail


If you take all of the rum and juices into account, the Jet Pilot is the epitome of a tiki drink. Then, there are the interesting flavor accents – cinnamon, bitters, anise – that make this cocktail intriguing to the taste buds and an extraordinary frozen drink.


Ingredients –

1 oz Jamaican rum

3/4 oz gold Puerto Rican Rum

3/4 oz 151-proof Demerara Rum

1/2 oz Grapefruit Juice

1/2 oz Lime Juice

1/2 oz Cinnamon Syrup

Dash of Angostura Bitters

6 dashes Pernod

4 oz crushed ice

Cherry for garnish

Preparation –

Pour all of the liquid ingredients into a blender.

Add ice.

Blend on a fast speed for about 5-10 seconds.

Pour into a hurricane or margarita glass.

Garnish with a cherry.


But! If you decide to enjoy this cocktail (or any other alcoholic beverage) maybe you should hold off on that flyby. Save it for a rainy day.


That Bachelorette Show

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