Our Very Own Prince Charming!

 Our lucky girl Adriana had ever little girl’s dream come to fruition on Saturday!

Prince Al Zaheed

In case you didn’t hear, our girl Adriana married a prince last Saturday! How lucky is she? Just think, it’s all thanks to you guys because, without you, who knows who’d she would end up with! She might have ended up marrying that guy from Wall Street who only cared about money, OR her ex boyfriend and we all know that would have been a travesty, I mean, did you see him hitting on all those girls?? Prince Al Zaheed swept Adriana, and the rest of us, off our feet with his awesome dance moves, charming smile, and sweet demeanor. There was really no competition on Saturday and it’s sad, really, those other bachelors didn’t see it coming and couldn’t hold a candle to him. Yep. Adriana actually achieved every girl’s dream last Saturday when she married a Prince! Do you remember those days? Watching old Disney movies and wishing a Prince would come sweep you up and take you away to a castle where you would live happily ever after? Well Prince Al Zaheed may not have strode in on a white horse and in shining armor but he was still a Prince!

Would you like to know a little about the actor who plays Prince Al Zaheed?

Well, first off, his name isn’t actually Al Zaheed, it’s actually Douglas Goodhart, and he’s not an actual prince, but we still love him! Originally from Long Island, Douglas has been living and performing in NYC for the past 10 years. He created and starred in the wildly popular We Put the Spring in Springfield: The Music of the Simpsons, and played one of the Yeasts in Yeast Nation which won The Grand Prize at NYC’s Fringe Festival. Following his passion for music, Douglas is the lead singer of the super soul group Douglas And The Goodharts! Which is currently making people dance all over the five Burroughs. Visit www.DouglasGoodhart.com to learn more.

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