Examples of real life DIY wedding decor from Pinterest (not just the staged photos of the end results!)
So, what’s the go to site when planning a wedding in today’s world?
I don’t know a single woman who is not on Pinterest and I’d say almost all of them have a “Wedding” board, even if they aren’t getting married anytime soon. It makes perfect sense honestly because Pinterest has absolutely fabulous things on their site that you’d probably never think of on your own and it gives you a way to remember all kinds of things for future occasions. I, personally, have a board for almost every single category (think I’m kidding? You can see for yourself here).
But, when it comes to the Wedding side of Pinterest, what you generally see is the finished version of a product. Something that has been professionally made for an article/magazine, or by a wedding planner or decorator. Basically people who’s careers revolve around weddings. This means these “pins”, as they are called, look as perfect as they can possibly be. Sure, some of them show you a step-by-step (and I use that term loosely) process to make some of the decorations you find, but the majority of the time they are over simplified and you are left wondering what the heck happened when you give it a go yourself.
So, earlier this month I was lucky enough to be Maid of Honor at my best friends wedding and the majority of the decorations for the reception following the ceremony were made by the bride, her parents, and the bridesmaids. Since every few weeks I post a blog about different DIY’s for weddings I thought it would be a fantastic idea to show you how they actually end up looking when made by people who never do this sort of thing and were learning on the fly.
They did a FANTASTIC job!
BUT actions, and in this case, pictures, speak louder than words so go ahead and see for yourself.

As you can see, these are absolutely beautiful centerpieces found on Pinterest and you might look at them and think, oh that’s not so hard to recreate! But what some people forget is that there is a ton of little details and a lot of elements that go into making these centerpieces, and basically any kind of decoration you find online. For example, The bride had to find burlap, twine, lace, candles, wood (either already cut, or then have them cut) jars, wine bottles, the list goes on! So what I’ve noticed in the past (and I’m also speaking from personal experience here) is that some people don’t realize how much is actually needed to have the same end result and they get discouraged and give up.
My friend didn’t and with the support of her family and her wedding party, she created absolutely stunning decorations for her outdoor reception.
Take a look.

I might be biased when it comes to these but I think they came out fabulously!
Another thing that the bride decided to do herself after being inspired by Pinterest was her hashtag sign
as well as her “guest book”.

Personally, and again this could just be because I’m biased toward the whole situation, but I researched an enormous amount of “Jenga Guestbooks” while writing this blog and I’d say she did it the best.

So, I hope this has given you the confidence you need to take that big step and decide to do your own decorations. I highly recommend it. Not only are you making sure you get exactly what you want for your wedding, but you’re also getting the added effect of being proud of yourself and feeling accomplished for doing it. It’s a win win situation!
If you’re looking for ideas and don’t know where to start, or if you just want to see what other people are pinning, check out our Pinterest account for That Bachelorette show (here).
Oh and PS. The bouquets and boutonnieres were also handmade by one of the wonderful bridesmaids so really ladies (and gentleman) anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and believe in yourself.
That Bachelorette Show
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