You Can Be My Wingman Anytime Lieutenant

Over the Weekend Adriana met and fell head over heels in love with Lieutenant Colonel Tyler Peck!

Who could blame her really?

The Chemistry between the Lieutenant and Adriana was out of this world and everyone in the crowd could sense it. Sparks flew whenever the two were together!


Who can resist a man in uniform though? Oh, and did I mention that he’s a pilot?! Lt. Col. Tyler Peck flew through each round of voting, beating Tripp Swift, Doctor Lencho, Nicky Fangs, and even Prince Al Zaheed.
The crowd just KNEW that these two needed to be together and just look at how happy he is!
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 I will admit though, I was a little worried over the outcome of Saturday night’s show. We all want Adriana to marry the perfect man for her but there were some points during the night that left the crowd uncertain as to who they should vote for and who she would be happier with. Curious to know who I think the biggest contender was?

 Tripp Swift. There was DEFINITELY some chemistry there but luckily it wasn’t enough to sway the crowd and he was booted off after the second round.However, do you want to know what I noticed during the show that was unexpected to say the least? I think I saw a spark between Adriana’s best friend Ricki and Tripp! BUT I’ll have to wait to give you all the juicy details later this week!

 I’ve gotten off the subject a little bit, I’m sorry but I just thought you needed to know! So lets get back to it shall we?

Lieutenant Colonel Tyler Peck (I call him by his full title because…well…he earned that title so let’s just keep it that way) was an immediate favorite from the very beginning of the show. With his sweet and honest demeanor and that adorable southern drawl, there was very few people who weren’t under his spell by the end of the night. He was just too nice so fun to dance with that you just couldn’t fall for him a little bit!!
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Looks like this pilot finally found his wingman! 

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 There first dance as Man and Wife! Aren’t they just precious??


So congratulations Ghost rider, looks like you’ll be requesting a flyby in celebration.

Care to know about the actor who plays Lieutenant Colonel Tyler Peck?

His name is Kelsey J. Nash.
Kelsey is an actor, artist, writer and husband living in NYC.  He’s worked Off-Broadway and regionally across the country. He’s a proud alumnus of the University of Delaware’s Professional Theatre Training Program where he did a lot of plays by dead white guys.  Kelsey can be seen most recently as the host in Honda’s recent commercial campaign.  He’d like to thank his wife, his cat, and his dog for the never ending and unwavering support.
And we at That Bachelorette Show would like to thank you, Kelsey, for playing a magnificent Lieutenant.
Just remember everyone, It’s up to YOU to decide who Adriana marries. Without your vote she could end up back with her Judder Jones or Brian Burtleman, or someone even worse like her ex Giovanni Giovanni! So make sure to vote at our next show for your favorite bachelor!
If you’re interested in learning more about the show then check out this link right here and you can find out about tickets by clicking here.


That Bachelorette Show

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