We’re sure you’ve heard it all before, but it doesn’t hurt to have a little reminder every now and then about safety tips for your bachelorette party. Your bachelorette party is meant to be a fun time and it absolutely will be, but before you go out, make sure you’ve got all your bases covered.
Figure out the who/what/when/where/and how
It’s a good idea to plan for multiple types of situations. A friend ends up drinking way too much, someone gets lost, the transportation you have in place falls through, the group gets separated. These scenarios, among others, are all things you should think about and have solutions for before you go out. It’s easy to think that you’ll be able to figure it out on the fly if something should happen, but if you have all been drinking, it’s easy to have a “Where’s Kelly?!” situation on your hands. And, if Kelly is missing, you’ll wish you followed our safety tips for your bachelorette party!
Don’t lose your belongings!!
This is simple enough right? We all know not to leave our purses or wallets unattended, but especially, NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF YOUR DRINK. This is partying 101 we know, but it’s something that will be repeated time and time again. We don’t want Kelly to end up in an unsafe situation thinking, “why didn’t I follow those safety tips for your bachelorette party?
Use the Buddy System
You might be thinking, “Are we back in Kindergarten or something??” The answer is nope, we sure aren’t. There is safety in numbers ladies. For one, The “Where’s Kelly?!” won’t happen because someone will always be looking out for the other. But, on top of that, your group will bond together more. If each person is looking out for the other, you’ll be able to get to know each other even better! Did you know Kelly once had a pet hedgehog? Me neither?!
Make sure you have a Designated Driver or some form of car service. Don’t trust Kelly if she says, “I’ve only had a little to drink, I’m okay to drive.” It’s better to pay the extra for a taxi than to risk a DUI or, God forbid, a wreck. And, we all know how Kelly gets when she’s been drinking! If you’re looking for a car service in NYC I suggest Uber!

Your Bachelorette Party is a time to have fun, make new, possibly embarrassing, memories, and celebrate your BFF’s upcoming nuptials. To ensure you have the best party ever, party hard, but stay safe.
Love, That Bachelorette Show (and Kelly)
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